Thursday, July 26, 2007

Random Thoughts....

So my toddler is the only child in the world who does not like to hear his mama sing. LOL! When I sing to the radio in the car he yells "That's BE-nough!" or "Stop it Mama!" Isn't that terrible? And I'm telling you... its not because I'm bad or anything! I actually sing in church and do special solos and stuff every once in a while. I think that's why it makes me crack up.

Lucas has popped out a tooth. One single, solitary tooth. Bottom left side. Joy.

I'd been in a design slump lately. If you came to my DST chat a couple weeks back, you may remember my mention of a new Boy's kit. Well, it was like I had just come to the top of a hill.... and I couldn't figure out what to do next.

Well, Tuesday night about 9:30 pm, I had a couple ideas. So, for the last 36 hours I have been busy. I've created not 1 item... not 2.... but 5 new items! I finally crested that hill on the boy's kit, finished it, along with a new Designer Sample kit, an element pack, and 2 alpha packs! I'm amazed at myself, LOL! Be on the lookout next week! I'm still putting together previews and handing them out to my CT.

There's not much else for me to talk about today... haha~ I've been a hermit this past week since Nate's been away. But he came home last night, and I feel some sanity sneaking back in.


Kelly said...

No! You aren't the only one... in fact I believe my son's first "phrase" was "NO! STOP SINGING MOMMY!" That was lovely... He will be 3 in November so I think our little guys are pretty close in age.

Can't wait to see the new items!!

Kelly said...

My 2 1/2 year old will sometimes ask me to sing him a song but then other times will say "Stop dat noise." :)

Across the Miles Photography said...

I can't wait to see how your new kit turned out!

So...I finally did the tag thing today after you tagged me...I was in such a blogging slump!

I hope your summer is going well!

Jen said...

Love your photo tips. I'm just a point and shoot person myself, but I'm always striving to take better pictures with what I have. Glad your hubby's back. Mine is a youth pastor too and has been gone on camps and mission trips the past few weeks. So glad he's back! you said you hermit when he's gone, but I tend to fill up my social calendar. I need some adult interaction I guess!

Darcy said...

You are NOT the only one, Andrea! My little one doesn't let me sing or dance. He doesn't think it's funny at all..and you mustn't steal his thunder if he's already doing it!