Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My mind is heavy...

My mind and heart are heavy today. For one, my beautiful friend Kim delivered her twin girls 10 weeks early. They are doing well in the NICU, are both over 2 lbs, and everyone is positive of their growth and behavior. Kim... is just amazing. She is such a beautiful picture of grace and strength. Her positive attitude on everything is so refreshing and encouraging. We need more women like her in this world!
For two.. today is Wednesday, and thus we have church tonight. And truthfully, I don't want to go. For those of you who don't know I am a Pastor's wife. What is the Spiderman saying? With duty comes much responsibility? Not quite sure, but thats how I feel. There is a woman at the church, and we are both not happy with each other, and it is causing much stress and tension. And I tend to hold things in and get bitter. I need to ask the Lord for help in forgiveness... but I almost don't want to. I deserve an apology, dang it! But I don't think I am getting one, and that makes me mad.
For three, I have a beautiful group of buddies, the best gals anyone can ever ask for, can ever be blessed with. But I'm not vibing with them as of late, and that is really tearing me up.

Simplicity is my new kit debuting tomorrow night at TDC. I have to tell you... everything that has come out is all of my older stuff, my "learning to design" stuff, KWIM? This kit is one of those, its not personally one of my faves, but I am really hoping that there might be a couple of you who love it. Now next week's kit.... WOW! This is a brand new one next week, and my best work to date.... I can't wait to use it!!! I will give you a hint.... it's deffinately for a boy!

Take a look at this Beaut!! And it's FREE!

Don't forget about the Chat Friday night at TDC!! 9 pm in the Chat room to get to know all of us newbie designers at TDC. You can go ahead and DL the kit here, and we will give you the password at the chat. Come and get your love on!


Anonymous said...

Andrea, That's so heartbreaking when babies are born so early. I hope that God will give them the strength to grow and become stronger as they get older.
I can't even imagine being a pastor's wife of a whole church. I bet that it does get hard because it always seems that the Church doesn't just look upon the pastor but the whole family. I hope that whatever is going on that you and the other person will be able to work things out. I know I get to be the same way, I have a bad habitt of holding things inside and then they just sit there and eat at my heart making it worse because then I get to the point of not wanting to work it out.
I hope that things look up from here!! You have my email, so if you want to chat feel free to drop me a line!;)

I like the new kits btw!! You just keep coming out with more and more awesome stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, those babies are in my thoughts. I'm glad things are looking good though.

You know, I totally understand the concept of being a "_________ wife." There are certain occupations that everyone focuses on the occupation and the wife gets a bit lost in the process. Case in point, I was a policeman's wife (until he retired last year). I'm sure being the wife of a pastor has its own issues that go along with it, and people sometimes forget that. I hope you're able to work through the problems.

And finally, even your "learning" kits are wonderful, so I can't even imagine the new stuff you're putting out! Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Awww... I'm so sad. You are always so positive and upbeat. It breaks my heart to hear that your heart is heavy about something. I hope you can work through it. I'm thinking about ya AND praying for those babies!

Shannon Bieger said...

I'm not a pastor's wife but for many years my husband was the worship leader for the post-modern service so I do know what it is to be married to someone in full-time ministry. It's very challenging and exhausting and you're very subjected to criticism and judgement and bitterness. Better than the Spiderman quote is from Luke 12 - To whom much is given, much is required. I know it's not easy. You're only human yet when you're in ministry you're expected to be Godly. All you can do is try....when you feel the anger building, mentally imagine yourself leaving it at the foot of the cross.

Prayers for you as you struggle with the situation and especially for your friend's sweet babies!

Sinead said...

Oh, lots of prayers for your friend's babies and for your friend. That's so scary. Please God, they'll continue to do well.

I've had similar experiences with a woman in our old church (before we moved) and it's hard to come to terms with such feelings. They really made me question myself and my faith, but in the end (and with lots of prayers) I worked through it. I hope that you can do the same. I'm thinking peaceful, happy thoughts for you.

Margie said...

I pray all continues well with your friend's twins. How precious. Andrea, I know EXACTLY how you feel!! My husband is the senior pastor and it is such a challenge to us. I am going through the same thing about forgiveness. Anytime you need or want prayer or just to write it out-feel free to email me :)

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry things are going tuff at the church. Being part of a ministry team myself - these are the hardest things. "We" are suppose to know better but my greatest wounds have come not from outside the church but inside the church. I'll say a little prayer for you.

blessings - Lauren

Ange said...

Andrea... just wanted to send {{{HUGS}}} you way! :) I hope you are feeling better about church shortly! :)